
Privacy Policy

1. Data Collection

When you visit and use our website, we reserve the right to gather and store the following details:
– Log data. Our service may collect standard data provided by your web browser including your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, the pages you access, timestamps (date and time when you visit the website), the time spent on each page, and other information.
– Device data. Information about the device you use to visit our website may encompass but is not limited to the following: device type, operating system, device identifiers, settings, and geo-location. The settings and software of your device may influence the type and amount of information we can gather. We suggest that you acquaint yourself with the policies of your device manufacturer and software provider to learn what kind of information they provide to our service.

2. Legal Grounds for Processing User Data

We are dedicated to handling your data fairly, transparently, and in compliance with the law. We gather and process your data only if there are lawful reasons to do so, and these reasons depend on the services you use and how you use them. We gather and process your data solely when:
– it's necessary for providing our services
– it’s necessary to follow our legitimate interests as long as they don't override data protection interests. Our legitimate interests may cover research, development, marketing, and promotion of our services, as well as safeguarding our legal rights
– you provide consent for data collection and processing for specific purposes (this may include sending newsletters or contacting customer support to resolve issues you encounter)
– we are obligated to gather data to comply with laws or regulations.

You have the option to prevent us from using personal information for specific purposes anytime. However, this won't affect information that was processed before you withdrew your consent.

We will store your information as long as we deem it necessary. While we store and process your information, we take reasonable steps to prevent its loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, modification, or unlawful use. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data due to the vulnerability of current methods of electronic transmission and storage. Your information may be retained longer than usual if there's a valid reason or as required by the necessary interests of you or other parties.

3. Data Retention and Usage

We collect, retain, use, and share user data for the following purposes:
– to personalize your experience while using our website
– to enable your access and use of our website, applications, and social media platforms
– to communicate with users of our website and services
– for internal record-keeping and administrative purposes
– for analytics, market research, and business development
– to ensure the correct operation and enhanced functionality of our website and services
– to provide special offers and other benefits to users
– for advertising and marketing, including materials about third parties that may interest users
– to comply with laws, rules, and regulations
– to resolve disputes.

4. Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

We may furnish personal information to the following third parties and in the following circumstances:
– third parties that need this information to offer their services. These parties encompass IT service providers, data storage, hosting and server providers, ad networks, analytics, error loggers, debt collectors, maintenance or problem-solving providers, marketing or advertising providers, professional advisors, and payment systems operators
– our employees, contractors, and affiliated individuals or businesses
– courts, tribunals, regulatory authorities, and law enforcement bodies when required by law
– legal proceedings, as well as to establish, exercise, or defend our rights as mandated by law.

5. International Data Transfers

User data we retain and process is stored in facilities provided by our partners, affiliates, and third-party providers. By submitting your personal data, you consent to the disclosure of such data to third parties situated in overseas jurisdictions.

When transferring user data to or from countries within the European Economic Area (EEA), we safeguard your data using data protection methods endorsed by the European Commission. We may also employ methods recommended by corporate rules or other regulations.

6. Your Rights and Control Over Personal Data

6.1. Choice and Consent

By providing personal information to Omegle.chat, you grant consent for us to collect, retain, use, and disclose your data as per this privacy policy. Individuals under 16 years of age must obtain permission from their parents or legal guardians to access and use our website. This permission signifies your consent to provide us with your personal information. You may choose not to provide your personal data, but this may affect the quantity and quality of services we can provide.

6.2. Information from Third Parties

Information about users obtained from third parties is protected in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy. Third parties supplying information about other individuals confirm that they have the authority to represent these individuals and have received consent to transfer personal data to us.

6.3. Restrict

You have the right to limit the collection or utilization of information pertaining to you. If you previously consented to the use of your information for marketing purposes, you can withdraw that consent at any time by contacting omegle.chat representatives. Opting to deny or restrict access to your personal data may result in changes to your user experience, and we will inform you of such alterations.

6.4. Access and Data Portability

Upon your request, we may provide details or a copy of the personal data we have collected about you, typically in CSV format or another convenient form. At your request, we commit to deleting your personal information or transferring it to a third party of your choosing.

6.5. Correction

If you believe the information we have collected about you is inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or irrelevant, please contact our representatives, and we will endeavor to update, correct, or complete your personal data to the best of our ability.

6.6. Notification of Data Breaches

We adhere to all applicable legislation regarding data breaches.

6.7. Complaints

If you believe that we have violated data protection laws, please contact our representative and provide evidence of such violations. We are committed to promptly investigating such cases. Based on the investigation results, we will contact you to confirm the outcome and take necessary actions to address your complaint. If deemed appropriate, you may also file your complaint with the relevant regulatory body or data protection authority.

7. Cookies

Our website utilizes cookies to collect information about users and their activities. A cookie is a small data piece stored on your device and used by our website each time you access it. We use cookies to comprehend how you interact with our website and its features and provide our services according to your preferences.

8. Business Transfers

In cases of bankruptcy, business interruption, or asset acquisition by other entities, we will transfer user data to relevant parties. By accepting the terms of this privacy policy, you consent to the transfer and use of your data by third parties in the event of a business transfer.

9. Policy Limitations

Our website may link to external digital platforms not operated by us. We have no control over the content and privacy policies of these websites. We assume no responsibility or liability for the use and interaction with third-party websites.

10. Policy Changes

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Whenever possible, we inform users of policy changes. If you continue to use our website after changes take effect, it signifies automatic agreement with our privacy policy provisions. In the event of significant policy changes, we may ask you to review the updated version and provide your consent.